Friday 22 August 2008

Pamper your customer with promotional gifts

Pampering your customers with promotional gifts is a sure-fire way to keep them happy. After all, who doesn’t like to be pampered? No matter what the industry or business relationship, it is important to reward your customers. To some, this may seem like a frivolous and unnecessary gesture, but it is important to show that your customer’s business matters. After all, without customers, where would you be?

There are many ways to reward your customers, from company hats to golf items to gift baskets to the latest in high tech toys. Regardless of which item you choose, make sure that the gift is suitable for your customer. The best way to ensure you are giving an appropriate gift is to know your customer’s needs and preferences. This may not always be possible, of course. In that instance, there are some things you can do to make the reward appropriate and appreciated.

If you do have the opportunity to know your customer on a personal basis, the choice becomes much easier. Even if the person is simply an acquaintance, a visit to the company most often reveals clues as to what might be an appropriate gift or reward. People tend to display their outside interests in the way of photos or memorabilia. These things can offer valuable ideas you may not have considered before you made the trip.

Lastly, if the business seems to be a group effort, consider buying a group gift such as a sweet treat or a fruit and cheese basket for all to share.

1 comment:

kousalya said...

Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

Know Your Customer