Wednesday 13 August 2008

Make your customers want to come back

No one wants to lose customers. It can be a painful process, particularly if you’ve had a relationship with them for an extended period of time. However, businesses will experience this loss at one time or another. Instead of wallowing in woe, think about making a valiant effort to get those customers back.

It has been said that 99% of customers who’ve left a company will return if the situation is handled correctly. This may mean some kind of concession or apology on the business owner’s side; perhaps that customer simply didn’t feel appreciated. There are instances where lost customers will stay away for one reason or another. Sometimes you’re glad of it. Other times you just have to live and learn. For those who are willing to come back, giving some sort of peace offering may be the thing that will show them how important their business is to you.

Traditional promotional products may or may not work in this situation. Promotional gifts certainly will not work if the item you’ve chosen is dust covered or could be given to virtually anyone who walks in off the street. If you want to get the customer back, a more specific or personal approach is your best bet. Consider giving a unique gift basket. There are hundreds of ways to configure them to impress every type of client. They are also work place friendly and are often something everyone can share. Choices may include flowers or plants, gourmet foods, wine, fruit – the sky’s the limit!

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